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 Building / Mecha / 3753
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Re: Timid Newbie Stikes!!
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 04:36:06 GMT
31 times
Welcome Chris! Nice, nice mecha, very nice mecha. I saw these earlier today.

Any chance of snapping a pic of the hip joint(s)? The red one looks way cool
IMO and the transforming one is sweet too.

Great work, I hope to see more from you!


In, Chris Mitchell writes:
Err, hi folks... allow me to innerduce myself... I'm Chris. I built a cheesy
little mech a few years ago, before I ever knew that other people did this.
Thankully, I've got a bit better. My collection is not what you might call
large... just one box, unsorted. I had to pilfer my Robotics set just to get
some decent black technic.... yeah. Um. Anyways, I figured it was about time
that I show off my designs... all three of em. ;)

First up: The MF-03 Gyrus, a relatively low-tech "battlepod" loosely
inspired by Macross' Regult and Glaug pods. An egg on legs with guns for
arms, if you will. Design style is all over the place. My fourth mech.

Next, the MF-04 Musashi, a slightly higher-tech unit with a cramped, heavily
armored cockpit, a big-ass laser, and a control wire for a wire-saber. (If
you've already done something like that, I apologize, and i don't remember
seein it before!) Design style is somewhat like that of Colin Gutierrez. My
third mech.

Finally, the VS-2 Supernova (ooh, original name! ;)), a _fully_
transformable Valkyrie-ish creation. No parts must be removed or replaced
during transform, but due to fragile spots, it sure as heck helps! It's not
as pretty as I'd like, but it's highly poseable and quite stable. Transform
scheme is inspired at certain points by the VF-11, but I believe that in
total it's original. Design style is partially based on Mike Wampole's. My
second mech EVER... but I've been refining it for a year and a half. ;) All
three units will stand up without unstiffened friction pins, but the Musashi
and Nova won't be happy about it. The Gyrus was designed to go without
stiffened pins. :>

Comments? Questions? Criticisms? Complaints?

Message is in Reply To:
  Timid Newbie Stikes!!
Err, hi folks... allow me to innerduce myself... I'm Chris. I built a cheesy little mech a few years ago, before I ever knew that other people did this. Thankully, I've got a bit better. My collection is not what you might call large... just one (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-01, to

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