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 Building / Mecha / 3244
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Re: EROS mech
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 03:47:37 GMT
447 times
In, Eric Sophie writes:
Wow Chris! Sweet design! It's sporty look'n. I like the shoulders ,the head,
the , oh well everything! The feet are way cool! Fine example of Lean • automata!

Cool pix too.

Thanks!!  My favorite one so far is the forest mission one.  Eventually, I plan
to take all of my mech up to the Firetrail here in Berkeley fo a photo shoot!

Good Idea to add a back-pack, or Jump jets. Using the hinges like that in
just the right places combines well.

Next project sounds good too!

Yeah, I can't wait!!!


Good Luck and Good Job!


In, Christopher Snead writes:
Hello everybody!

I recently finished (more or less) my recent mech.  I call it EROS; it is my
first attempt at a piloted mech.  Well, here it is:

Eventually, I'll make a gun for it, as well as a backpack, and maybe other
stuff; but right now, I'm anxious to get started on my next endoskeleton.

I know this mech is pretty no-frills; it was intended to be a base for a mass
production mech.  Sometime in the future, I'll probably try more colorful and
decorated versions.  Anyway, please let me know what you think!



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: EROS mech
Wow Chris! Sweet design! It's sporty look'n. I like the shoulders ,the head, the , oh well everything! The feet are way cool! Fine example of Lean automata! Cool pix too. Good Idea to add a back-pack, or Jump jets. Using the hinges like that in just (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jun-01, to

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