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 Building / Mecha / 3005
    Lego VF-1 Progress Reports??? —Sun Yun
   So . . . I know a while back people were either building or thinking about building VF-1 valkyries. So anybody have anything to show or report. I haven't touched my VF-1 project or Lego for that matter in ages. So I have nothing really new to show. (...) (24 years ago, 18-May-01, to
        Re: Lego VF-1 Progress Reports??? —A. Mark Wilburn
     (...) Ditto, I'm afraid. Also, like yourself, I've spent a fair bit on other toys lately (Got both Vf-19 and 21 in Japan... hmm, I just realized every 'Transformer' I ever bought (StarScream, VF-1, VF-19, VF-21) was bought in Japan. Purely by (...) (24 years ago, 18-May-01, to
        Re: Lego VF-1 Progress Reports??? —Bryce Rollins
   After working out the kinks in MLCAD (which I discovered a few months ago, much to the detriment of my free time), I put together a nice set of non-transformable Macross VF's in fighter mode that I'm quite proud of. So far, I've got a VA-3, a VF-1, (...) (24 years ago, 22-May-01, to

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