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Re: Neo-Oz Update: First glimpses of the new Gundam. It' HUGE!
Thu, 3 May 2001 06:09:18 GMT
578 times
The dimensions for the Tie Interceptor are:
34 cm (~13.39 in) long
19 cm (~7.48 in) tall
26 cm (~10.24 in) wide

Look forward to seeing more pics of your gundam.

Travis Dickinson

Borislav Marinov wrote:

In, Bryce McGlone writes:
That Gundam looks very large. Any chance we could get some better pics?
Maybe some details shots of the joints? Anyway keep it up. I'd like to see
it finished.
It is all done except for the weapons.  I still need two cannons, one 2-foot
long rifle, and a beam saber (I was thinking of using a Star Wars one).  I will
try to get a digital camera and take a few shots of it in its current condition.

One more thing, could anyone please tell me what is the length of the Tie
Interceptor model?


In, Borislav Marinov writes:
Welcome back everybody.  Since I still haven?t received any comments on my
Neo-Oz web site :-(( I have updated the site and I have added a small preview
of my first Gundam.  You can go to Neo-Oz from here:

or you can go directly to the new images:

Again, feel free to make any suggestions or comments.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Neo-Oz Update: First glimpses of the new Gundam. It' HUGE!
(...) It is all done except for the weapons. I still need two cannons, one 2-foot long rifle, and a beam saber (I was thinking of using a Star Wars one). I will try to get a digital camera and take a few shots of it in its current condition. One (...) (24 years ago, 2-May-01, to,

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