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 Building / Mecha / 1738
1737  |  1739
Re: New Mecha @ Moonbase Io
Sat, 28 Oct 2000 01:54:37 GMT
747 times
In, Bryce McGlone writes:

Todd Amacher wrote in message ...
Check out the Warlock in the Pyralon section at-
Warlock: very good design. The way you made the hinges on the hands
alternating colors really helps make it look solid. Shoulder mounted guns
are also a favorite of mine. This mech looks similar to the new
shocktrooper, which is one of my all time favorite smaller mechs. It looks
so mean with an evil lumbering quality. I can see it running down infantry.
It reminds me of the aliens from Titan AE. Any relation?
Bryce McGlone

Thanks Bryce. Actually, I haven't seen Titan A.E. yet, but I'd like to. By
the way, my Shocktroopers as well as all my other Vedraan droids technically
speaking aren't mecha, but mecha sized robots- what I call a D.H.B.(Droid
Host Body). The basic concept- A sentient robot with a once organic
intellect that was digitized then transferred from a living being to a
droid. I got the idea from an short lived yet cool comic book called Ghost
Rider 2099.

Todd Amacher

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Mecha @ Moonbase Io
(...) D.H.B...I like that. The back story for my new mech is similar. The Mech becomes self aware and assimilates the driver (sort of like the Borg). Bryce McGlone (24 years ago, 28-Oct-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Mecha @ Moonbase Io
(...) alternating colors really helps make it look solid. Shoulder mounted guns are also a favorite of mine. This mech looks similar to the new shocktrooper, which is one of my all time favorite smaller mechs. It looks so mean with an evil (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to,

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