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    Re: ED-209 —Matt Bohlmann
   (...) Ah yes. RoboCop was the last great hurrah before The Abyss and Terminator 2 ushered in the computer effects era for good. So in effect, ED was the curtain call for stop-motion animation, as far as big-budget sci-fi films are concerned. And oh (...) (18 years ago, 19-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —David Koudys
     (...) And the Last Starfighter ushered in the CGI... :) (some say it was Tron, but they would be mistaken...) Dave K (18 years ago, 19-Jan-07, to, FTX)
         Re: ED-209 —John Neal
     (...) I loooved that movie. I'm going off to see if it is available on DVD now. OAO JOHN (18 years ago, 19-Jan-07, to, FTX)
         Re: ED-209 —David Koudys
     (...) I loved it too, but I saw it on the tube a few years back... the CGI is really hard to take now. Though the 'Greetings Starfighter!!!' never gets old, and Preston was completely on his mark. Dave K -hear that you slimes! I'm famous! (18 years ago, 19-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —Dave Schuler
   (...) Surely you're not forgetting Army of Darkness?!? If that's not a stop-motion tour de force, I don't know what is! But I agree that something satisfying was lost when the film industry collectively decided to move to CGI... Dave! (18 years ago, 21-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —David Koudys
     (...) Gimme some sugar, baby! Dave K - Klaatu, Barada, Nic-*coug* *cough* (18 years ago, 21-Jan-07, to
         Re: ED-209 —Timothy Gould
     (...) And now with added (URL) singing>. Tim (18 years ago, 21-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —Matt Bohlmann
   (...) Oh no, no indeed! I don't forget the glorious Army of Darkness. But considering it came out one year after T2 and one year before Jurassic Park, it was essentially already a throwback to an era whose time had past. A eulogy of sorts. As was (...) (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —Chris Phillips
     (...) Stop action isn't dead, but it's definitely "retro." Check out Aardman's "Chicken Run" or "Curse of the Were-Rabbit." Talk about attention to detail; there's practically a sight-gag in every frame! Just watch the credits for any modern CGI (...) (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to, FTX)
         Re: ED-209 —Dave Schuler
     (...) That's true, but Aardman's stuff doesn't count because it's perfect--and it's a vile blasphemy to suggest otherwise. Its inclusion would automatically distort analysis of any other film!!! (...) My three-year-old is, surprise-surprise, very (...) (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to, FTX)
         Re: ED-209 —Chris Phillips
     (...) I feel your pain; my son is two-and-a-half, and I could probably play Mater to 'yer Light'nin, if ya know whatta mean... Without going into painful detail, I think Pixar is still a few years ahead of DreamWorks or anyone else in the art. With (...) (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —John Neal
   (...) Remember, Spielberg's JP wasn't all about CGI (though I'll forget the first time I saw the wide shot of the brachs at the lake, or the stampeding Gallimimus scene). He used puppets and also autoerotic dinos as well;-) JOHN (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to, FTX)
        Re: ED-209 —Rob Hendrix
    "John" <> wrote in message <SNIPPAGE> He used puppets and also autoerotic dinos as well;-) (...) No wonder the dinos went extinct if they were all self-satisfying themselves instead of mating with a (...) (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to
        Re: ED-209 —John Neal
   (...) No, I'm pretty sure it was for (URL) reason. JOHN (18 years ago, 22-Jan-07, to, FTX)

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