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 Building / Mecha / 14441
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Re: BAAL - Artillery Mech
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:06:50 GMT
3106 times
This is a sweet Mech. The color scheme rocks and I just love the fact that this thing looks so mean for a small mech. All of the parts seem to have a purpose and while lots of detail (greebles?) is sometimes fun it’s also nice to see the subtle and meaningful detail that you’ve acheived in this mech.

Like you, I’m new to all this too. My first mech that I’m proud to show is the Assassin which I hope you’ve seen in this thread.

Tonight I’ll be posting my second MOC mech. I’ve created a pretty decent version of the AT-PT star wars transport. It’s not a particulartly tough mech to model as it’s pretty boxy but I’m still in the early phases of this mech design. I constructed it entirely from a drawing in the Star Wars Vehicles guide so I’m pretty happy with the way I was able to bring it to life. It’s also a minifig scale (I think). I’ll post it in the Star Wars section here.

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  BAAL - Artillery Mech
(URL) This is my first mech build. Even though this is a small mech, it was a good learning experience and was definitely different than building spaceships. Any comments, criticism and suggestions on how to improve future builds are very (...) (19 years ago, 18-Apr-06, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, FTX) ! 

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