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 Building / Mecha / 13766 (-20)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Hello, it's me again. Here are some pictures of my progress and the upper body. (2 URLs) deep link> (2 URLs) deep link> (2 URLs) deep link> (2 URLs) deep link> Here is the (URL) gallery> after moderation. I already ran into weight problems. The ball (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Worm Gear Problem
(...) The new style worm gears have the advantage, that they can be put onto a 5.5- axle like shown in the following pics. (2 URLs) complete> (URL) after moderation> (2 URLs) disassembled> (URL) after moderation> No additional parts are needed to (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, lugnet.technic, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Hi Brian, no matter if this is bogus or not, it looks really cool. And it makes me think about telling what I have up to now is bogus or the other thing starting with bull. You're absolutely wright with the legs problem. I started there, just (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Hello Howard, I use MS PhotoEditor to do the resize. But I'm sure there is a lot of freeware on the net to do the same. Maybe you even got adequate software with your camera. Marco (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) hehe... I took apart my white exoforce model too - I only had enough parts to cover one leg, looks like you had the same problem! I like your design. But then it does look fairly like what I'm doing ;) mo. (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Well here's my first prototype: (URL) Even though the inspiration image is only white because it's a sketch on a white background, it kind of put me in mind of a gleaming white mecha so I've utilised all my new Exo-Force parts. I imagine it as a (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
Nice! I think you're in the lead. (...) If this is your bogus version I'd hate to see how the real one looks. ;) Michael (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Thanks for the input Marco! You are certainly right about the stability problems. I made a mock version of my quad, and it just keeps tipping over, so i'm working on that. My pics from the digitial camera come out large; besides uploading the (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Awesome Tim! Are those huge squares on the side missile containers? (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
I made a lot of progress today and came up with some interesting ideas, so here are some spy photos: (URL) deep link 1> (URL) deep link 2> (URL) deep link 3> (URL) deep link 4> (URL) deep link 5> The ideas: Exoforce stickers - I don't think anyone (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
I'm updating (URL) this folder> with my Iron MEcha design so check it out Tim (19 years ago, 4-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  The Archangel and Enola Gray
I built a new mecha about a month ago, and just finally got around to taking pics. I've also got a new space ship, the Enola Gray. I tried some new things, like a different way of greebling, and mixing old and new grays. (2 URLs) PLMKWYT Dan Rubin (19 years ago, 3-Jan-06, to, lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) ! 
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) If I got it right - over the language barrier - this suggestion wasn't meant that earnest. If it was, I need explaination too. To your hip problem, check out BS gallery of mc7 for double ball joints. Or look in (URL) Christopher Sneads joint (...) (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) You're going to have to explain that one to me, Mech-master Samarth... (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) brickshelf folder (after moderation): <-- (URL) --> So far: playing with leg ideas. I don't like either of them particularly, but I'll probably stick with the larger of the two as far as scale goes. Ignore the colours, they are quite random. (...) (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Easy! Bionicle/Roborider canister lids :-D Legoswami (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Yeah, and I'm already regretting it, trying to come up with a hip joint of requisite strength ;) Michael (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) This looks pretty good! Seems to me you're going for a quite big one. (URL) Marco> (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
(...) Hello Howard, just examined your pics. Might be, you run into stability problems, due to the total weight of the mecha. If using click hinges at this size you should think about doubleing them. One thought about yor pics. Please resize them. (...) (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Welcome to the Building Arena, IRON MECHA
here we go! The beginning of my entry....Yeah, the pics are crappy... (2 URLs) My quad's gonna be a bit DIFFERENT..... (19 years ago, 2-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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