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 Building / Mecha / 13721 (-5)
  Re: New Lego Exoforce
(...) I agree 100% with you Tobias. I am greatly disappointed that LEGO is caving in and selling toys that resemble modern weaponry. Some will think that I am a hypocrite for saying that, as I myself build nothing but military-themed creations. (...) (19 years ago, 30-Dec-05, to, FTX)  
  Re: .mecha loading slowly??
Another idea to speed up the database search. If the database is on SQL or similar it could speed up the search if an indice was created which lists according to group and subgroup. Just a thought. Marco (19 years ago, 30-Dec-05, to
  Re: Mono and Stonefrog
(...) They work quite well on this size. Good design, praise to who ever developed them! (...) You're totaly right. I had several tries, but nothing worked out good. Do you have any idea for knees, here. They should fit the MOAB too. (...) Again, (...) (19 years ago, 30-Dec-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Mono and Stonefrog
(...) To be honest, I couldn't do total rebuilds. In some cases I just couldn't figure out who the original was done. In others I was missing the parts. And last but not least I wanted to change or improve small things, which I didn't like or missed (...) (19 years ago, 30-Dec-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Mono and Stonefrog
(...) I found the feet of the MOAB too bulky compared to those of the Wanzer. Thus the foot design is changed a little. The wheel wells were on my to use list for quite a while. Always thought they should give a good gun housing. (...) That's true! (...) (19 years ago, 30-Dec-05, to, FTX)

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