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Re: LUGNet shut off
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general
Fri, 15 Jul 2005 17:49:22 GMT
3917 times
In, Marco Tagliaferri wrote:
   Hello all,

I read in this message by Lenny Hoffman that LUGNet is dying the next two month. • -snip- I would be very, very sad if LUGNet would die. It’s a place where I really like to
stay. The best AFoL forum on the net.

Hey Marco, I am sorry for confusion - I was being a bit coy and cynical. I really doubt that Lugnet will be turned off - Suz has a plan for getting Lugnet to a better position and I have confidence that her plan will work.

I too would be very sad to see Lugnet go.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LUGNet shut off
(...) Thank you for the reply Lenny. This is a good message on the topic! (...) Hey that's fine! So now we are at least two guys with the same feeling about this. I hope there are some more out there. (...) We all have to work on LUGNet to make it (...) (20 years ago, 15-Jul-05, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  LUGNet shut off
Hello all, I read in (URL) this message> by Lenny Hoffman that LUGNet is dying the next two month. I was shocked and did some research. So I found this (URL) thread> he's refering to IMO. I read all the messages in the thread and some of the (...) (20 years ago, 15-Jul-05, to, lugnet.general, FTX) ! 

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