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Re: Non-violent Space Contest Entry: Q-35 Aerospace Jump-Jet
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 01:26:39 GMT
927 times
Wow.....  Absolutely awesome ship!

In lugnet.announce, Bram Lambrecht writes:
I don't think this could get more last minute...

The Q-35 seats 35 passengers: 27 in the a roomy coach cabin, 6 in first class,
and 2 in a VIP stateroom.  A friendly crew of six, including pilot, copilot,
navigator, and three flight attendants bring the passengers to their
destination in utmost comfort:

Behind the state of the art cockpit is a short connecting hallway which links
an observatory lounge and the stateroom.  The lounge is equipped with a movie
screen and binoculars.  The stateroom is complete with two bunks, comfortable
arm chairs, and a bar.  Stairs lead up to airtight vestibule:

The vestibule can act as an airlock in an emergency since the hatch to the
stairs, the outside doors, and the doors to the passenger cabin are all
pressure sealed.  The entire passenger cabin can eject from the plane in the
case of an emergency.  It is equiped with a tiny control cabin to operate the
thrusters for minor manuevers.  The passenger cabin also has a lavatory and
small galley:

The landing gear is pneumatically operated.  [A compressor built with a old 9V
motor and an air tank reside in the starboard engine nacelle.  The switch is
just rear of the starboard emergency exit.]  Each of the wings contains fuel
tanks and thrusters for vertical liftoff.  In the center of ship, fully
manueverable thrusters assist in vertical takeoff and landing.  Two 576 cubic
LU attach to the ship rear of the central thrusters:

Finally, the engine nacelles can operate in atmosphere or outerspace using
unclassified ramjet technology.  [Fiberoptics in each nacelle are rotated by
old 9V motors. The although there is probably room for batteries in the port
nacelle, the power must be supplied from outside.]
Here are the rest of the photos:

If I have time, I may throw together a website for the ship...
Please LMKWYT and give me any criticism you see fit.

Bram Lambrecht

Message is in Reply To:
  Non-violent Space Contest Entry: Q-35 Aerospace Jump-Jet
I don't think this could get more last minute... The Q-35 seats 35 passengers: 27 in the a roomy coach cabin, 6 in first class, and 2 in a VIP stateroom. A friendly crew of six, including pilot, copilot, navigator, and three flight attendants bring (...) (24 years ago, 28-May-01, to lugnet.announce,,, lugnet.technic, !! 

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