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Voting mechanics for Classic Space contest
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 22:43:30 GMT
3744 times
In, Todd Lehman writes:
Only those who have entered the contest may vote.  You can submit more than
one entry, but no more than one per day (so start early if you're going to
build a lot of entries).  Each entry you submit gains you three vote points
in the category of your entry.  You can apply your votes to other people's
models when the voting begins.  (You can't vote for your own models.)  More
details about this later.

OK, here are the details...

This is a "point-based" system, so you earn points by submitting entries and
spend points by voting.  Voting begins after the deadline for new entries has
passed.  Voting ends when the last entrant has completed voting or when seven
days have passed (whichever occurs sooner).  The contest's entrants and the
contest's organizer are the only ones who may vote.  The contest's organizer
is not allowed to enter the contest.

Each contest entry you submit earns you 3 points (votes), all of which you
must spend (or your entry is automatically disqualified).  Points must be
spent as whole numbers; there are no fractional points.

The entry with the most points within a category wins that category.  The
entry with most points overall wins "grand prize" status.  In the event of
a tie, entries may share status.

Now, there are a couple of strategic restrictions on how and where points
may be spent:

First, you can only vote (spend points) on other people's entries -- never
on your own entries.

Second, for each set of 3 points you earn from an entry in category X, one
point must be spent _in_ category X, one point must be spent _outside_ of
category X, and one point can be spent in any category whatsoever.  A special
exception occurs if your entry is the _only_ entry in category X:  you earn
2 points for that entry rather than 3, and both points must be spent outside
of X.

Finally, the contest organizer (that's me) is granted and required to spend
exactly 1 point in each category.


p.s.  More details about submission of votes later -- it will probably be
something non-automated, where you send an email (or you could post publicly
if you wanted), and I'll tally the votes by hand.  I'll need a disinterested
third-party volunteer (a non-entrant) to audit the vote accounting.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Voting mechanics for Classic Space contest
Why is this posted 4(!) times? (24 years ago, 27-Nov-00, to,
  Re: Voting mechanics for Classic Space contest
(...) I'd be willing to do this audit. I'm disinterested... space sucks (it IS a vacuum, of course). I may not be the best choice from a time perspective though as I am tres busy. Have you thought about how you'd actually audit the votes? Presumably (...) (24 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Classic Space set design and building contest
I grew up on classic Space (1978-1986) and I still have a huge soft spot in my heart for old simple smileys and single-color astronaut uniforms. It's seeming more and more like the LEGO Space System product line (originally LEGOLAND Space, followed (...) (24 years ago, 27-Oct-00, to,, lugnet.announce) !! 

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