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Win $1000 and a LEGOLand Annual Pass in the BrickMagic Challenge!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce,, lugnet.publish.brickjournal
Thu, 17 Feb 2011 04:51:19 GMT
223 times
The BrickMagic LEGO Festival (May 5-8, 2011 in Raleigh, NC) is proud to announce the first-ever BrickMagic Challenge! All BrickMagic exhibitors will have their LEGO creations automatically entered, and the best overall creation will receive $1000 and a LEGOLand Annual Pass for its builder!

A winner will be chosen from each of the following ten categories, and the builder will receive a LEGO-related prize, and a one-page feature on their work in an upcoming issue of BrickJournal:

• Best Train Club layout
• Best Brick of Character (a creation of a famous person, icon, or cartoon or novelty character)
• Best Space layout (inspired by sci-fi, NASA, or anything dealing with outer space)
• Best Technic design (any mechanical model that moves, powered or not)
• Best Mindstorms design
• Best Castle layout
• Best Microscale creation (smaller the minifigure scale)

plus 3 “Judges Choice” awards (each judge will pick their favorite that’s not a winner in one of the other categories)

Then, one overall “Best of Show” will be chosen from these 10 winners, and will be featured on the cover of an upcoming issue of BrickJournal. That builder will also receive:

• A $1000 cash prize • An Annual Pass to the new LEGOLand Florida theme park (opening October 2011; the pass is good for unlimited admission through December 2012)

Judging will be conducted by Certified Professional LEGO Builder Sean Kenney, BrickJournal magazine editor Joe Meno, and a representative of LEGO.

Anyone with an original LEGO MOC (“My Own Creation”) they would like to display is welcome to become an Exhibitor, and take part in the LEGO fan community. Exhibitors pay a $50 registration fee, which covers the cost of tables and space for their creations. All exhibitors also receive:

Access to Exhibitor-only presentations and workshops
Eligibility for door prizes donated by LEGO and other sponsors
A complimentary meal (courtesy of MOE’s Southwest Grill)
At least two limited edition LEGO sets (the BrickMagic Event Kit, and one provided by BrickMania)
A goodie bag filled with special LEGO-related surprises
Complimentary tickets to the BrickFlix Film Festival (May 4 at 9pm)
A special discount redeemable during BrickMagic weekend at the Raleigh LEGO retail store
And more to come!

To register as an Exhibitor, or for more information on BrickMagic 2011, go to or e-mail exhibit coordinator Joe Meno at

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