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 Building / Contests / 1823
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Re: First Town Contest Entry: Dark Red Corner Building
Fri, 3 Feb 2006 05:28:25 GMT
20194 times
In, John Neal wrote:
   Here is my first entry into Ondrew’s town building contest. It was an unusually busy month for my business and so I had less time than I thought for contests, and so, sadly, I missed the Iron Mecha deadline:-( But I was able to complete this building, and hopefully I’ll be able to get my second one finished in time to submit it before the town contest ends.

On to the MOC:

Ever since the advent of the LEGO color dark red, I have dreamed of building a building like this. It is comprised mostly of 1x2 dark red plates, which give a wonderfully textured look to the MOC.

i love the texture but man that had to cost a fortune.

   It is a “working” building that will sit on a corner of the TCLTC layout. Previously, I had my tan building hanging off the corner in the selected area, which wasn’t ideal. Since we store nearly all of our buildings inside our modules, I built this MOC to break into 3 parts so it would easily fit inside one. The tan building will take a sabbatical from touring and resume its spot on one of our subway modules (which currently don’t go out for shows) Speaking of that tan building, I used it to model the proportions on this building, since I liked them on the tan so much (hard to believe that that building is almost 6 years old!)

Wow you built the tan building right around when I discovered the Lego community. My how time fly’s.

i’ll reserve the rest of my opinions until the contest ends but thank you for your submission.

Not much else to say except that Ashcan Rulz! BTW, did those windows look familiar, Ondrew? ;-)

lol yep they look familiar. ondrew



Message is in Reply To:
  First Town Contest Entry: Dark Red Corner Building
Here is my first entry into Ondrew's town building contest. It was an unusually busy month for my business and so I had less time than I thought for contests, and so, sadly, I missed the Iron Mecha deadline:-( But I was able to complete this (...) (19 years ago, 1-Feb-06, to,,, FTX)

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