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 Building / Contests / 1330
    Re: A song in pictures - draft for my first ISCC II entry.... —James Mathis
   (...) Ben: I did enjoy it all. The style and build of the scenes is really nice. Your buildings are really well-done. I love the dark gray front house door with SNOT trans-clear 1x1 rounds bounded by vertical plates. So many construction techniques (...) (22 years ago, 1-Oct-02, to
        Re: A song in pictures - draft for my first ISCC II entry.... —Reinhard "Ben" Beneke
   (...) Thanks for the very kind words of the one and only Mr. SNOT! ;-) In the meantime your SNOT building techniques made their way from train fronts not only to entrance doors, but even so 'simple' structures like walls... Somewhat inspired by (...) (22 years ago, 2-Oct-02, to

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