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Re: The Brick Testament - The End Is Here
Sat, 27 Jun 2009 03:54:15 GMT
23271 times
In, Joost Veders wrote:
   Wow... Once again you did a great job, Rev.


   Although The Book of Revelation can’t really be called fun in any way, I’m sure that building these stories was fun. It’s all very graphic, that’s for sure...

Yes, illustrating Revelation the biggest challenge to date, but also probably the most rewarding to complete, and certainly a lot of fun to work on.

   Any plans for the whole Brick Testament to be released as one (huge) book or a series of volumes?

There are no plans in motion. But I certainly like the idea of one huge book. Just need to wait for a publisher to come along with the balls to publish it. The publisher of my first three books seems to have shelved the idea of a fourth book after what they considered lackluster sales of the most recent book, The Ten Commandments. Of course, in my totally unbiased view, I think they (or someone else) could score a big hit with a Life of Jesus book, or Revelation.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Brick Testament - The End Is Here
Wow... Once again you did a great job, Rev. Although The Book of Revelation can't really be called fun in any way, I'm sure that building these stories was fun. It's all very graphic, that's for sure... Any plans for the whole Brick Testament to be (...) (16 years ago, 26-Jun-09, to, FTX)

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