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    Re: The Brick Testament - The Temple of Yahweh —Kyle Beatty
   That made my day. The last page of Ark Into the Temple totally grossed me out. But in a good way. Are there in fact the prescribed number of pomegranates? If so, I take my hat off to you! It looks like the proprtions are correct, too. (17 years ago, 8-May-08, to, FTX)
        Re: The Brick Testament - The Temple of Yahweh —Brendan Powell Smith
   (...) That's one of the things The Brick Testament does best, I would hope. :) (...) To be honest, I didn't actually count the flowers/"pomegranates". I'm pretty sure it's under 200 since I remember I ordered 200 1x1 yellow tiles w/ clip as the (...) (17 years ago, 10-May-08, to, FTX)

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