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Re: Couple new "future" bikes
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 23:54:47 GMT
548 times
In lugnet.announce, Steve Runnels writes:
Hiya Lugnet.

I've finished a couple new "future" bikes.

These things are getting popular lately, it seems. :)

Sorry I don't have any real-life pics or any nice renders of the new ones. I
think Jon Palmer may be rendering a couple along with his new bike.
Hopefully I'll get around to making some renders of my own. (or get my
camera fixed. doh)

Enjoy and LMKWYT.


Your motorcycle designs are great. And I  ove the way you dressed the set of
the chase scene render. Great! And I don't even like motorcycles that much.
But if these existed in real life, I might change my mind.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Couple new "future" bikes
(...) Thanks! The renders are actually Jon's. He made that scene, ain't it cool? :D ---SteveR (24 years ago, 24-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Couple new "future" bikes
Hiya Lugnet. I've finished a couple new "future" bikes. (URL) things are getting popular lately, it seems. :) Sorry I don't have any real-life pics or any nice renders of the new ones. I think Jon Palmer may be rendering a couple along with his new (...) (24 years ago, 24-Jul-01, to lugnet.announce,,

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