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Marias first MOCs
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 19:14:55 GMT
408 times
I just wanted to share with you a model that my non-lego friend built.
I know they don't look like the greatest thing ever made, but I have to say
that I'm proud of her :) This is the scenario...
My friend happened across my "totally useless lego-pieces" boxes (since I'm a
castle-freak that's lots of space/technic stuff...). She decided to show me
that they were very useful indeed! ;) Note that this was coming from someone
who isn't that fond of lego. So anyway, she starts building and this is the
result. Pretty good I have to say, considering the conditions.
Maybe she's a natural born to persuade her of that
fact, and get her addicted like the rest of us :)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Marias first MOCs
(...) Wow, that ain't half-bad! She's definately a natural. Her MOCs also gave me some great ideas for a Fantasy-Castle layout. Where the evil-dudes ride on those StarWars Beasts. And those cartwheels look great. Sort of 'Mad-Max' style. Please (...) (24 years ago, 2-Jul-01, to
  Re: Marias first MOCs
(...) Lets see what she does with the "totally useful lego-pieces" box. Nice colour combo too. pete.w (24 years ago, 2-Jul-01, to

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