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Re: Hedge Maze
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 17:32:25 GMT
514 times
In, Heather Patey writes:
Here I am in limbo between themes again.  Come see what I've done with
Tore's shrubbery - thanks Tore!

You can see, I hope, why I built this one virtually instead of really!
Unfortunately the lamppost is not yet LDrawn or that's what would have
supported the gazebo - more elegant than cylinders, I think.  Comments welcome.

Cool.  The only hitch I see (aside from probably not having enough
shrubbery) is that I've found putting shrubs that close together tends to
not work well.  They want to pop off the baseplate. :/

But that doesn't stop an ldrawn version from looking very asthetic. :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Hedge Maze
(...) I figured out a way around this when doing a prototype: Put two antennas on the base plate _between studs_, with two studs' worth of space between them. Put a technic plate over them and press down hard. The ends of the technic plate should (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Hedge Maze
Here I am in limbo between themes again. Come see what I've done with Tore's shrubbery - thanks Tore! (URL) can see, I hope, why I built this one virtually instead of really! Unfortunately the lamppost is not yet LDrawn or that's what would have (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to ! 

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