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Re: Perfect Universal Set - Was: Building habits
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 18:15:28 GMT
1120 times
In lugnet.technic, Ralph Hempel writes:

As far as the perfect Universal kit, some like pneumatics, others
gears, so I'd never expect one perfect kit, but geez I wish that
TLG would make a new Universal Kit. Maybe not that they're
refocusing on their core business, they will.

While I agree a universal set to please everyone is impossible, I think a
universal set to please anyone is impossible. I used to use pneumatics a lot
but none of my latest models have any (apart from my bulldozer). What we
should turn our attention to is to get Lego to make universal PACKS!
Beams, tyres, plates in various colours is what we want. I miss the old
spares service, where you couuld purchase anything(selection permitting) in
small amounts. By being able to pick and choose we would have the greatest
flexability for the lowest outlay. Their has been a litle improvement
recently at S&h but what we really need is a commitment to spare parts and
decent bulk packs at an affordable price.

Steve Lane

Message is in Reply To:
  Perfect Universal Set - Was: Building habits
James Simpson wrote that he was a tinkerer that liked the old Universal Sets. Some years ago, I found a beat up 8062 case with all the parts still in bags. I used to take it on trips to help relax on business trips. Then I got into Mindstorms and (...) (24 years ago, 2-Apr-01, to, lugnet.technic)

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