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 Building / 8466
    Re: Minigun for Mecha Transport!!! —Mladen Pejic
   Ummm... There are four reasons why I did leave the the technic bushs there: A) I like to stick to a specific colour scheme when I build my models. My mecha transport will have a grey, dark-grey, and yellow colour scheme. I don't want any black on (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to
        Re: Minigun for Mecha Transport!!! —Steve Lane
   (...) I have a draw full of mecha manga, I've never seen a minigun that didn't have perfectly round barrels's either real or cartoon! Steve (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to
        Re: Minigun for Mecha Transport!!! —Mladen Pejic
   (...) futuristic (...) Oh! Okay... You got me there... ;-) /// searches for another excuse.../// I wanna be different!!! ;-) BTW your suggestion was really good; I'll have to start looking for more of those smooth cylinders. Mladen Pejic, over and (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to

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