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    Re: Panzer III Tank (WWII) —Paul Hartzog
   don't think i already posted this this tank is so sweet i'm planning a WWII submarine anybody know where i can get pics (books, urls, etc) shaun? -paul (...) (24 years ago, 24-Jan-01, to, lugnet.general)
        Re: Panzer III Tank (WWII) —Lindsay Frederick Braun
     (...) For books, there is almost no end to U-boat books out there-- although if you want a very general series with line drawings the Squadron-Signal publications give you an accessible start. However, if you are considering an I-boat, "F-boat" (...) (24 years ago, 24-Jan-01, to, lugnet.general)
        Re: Panzer III Tank (WWII) —Shaun Sullivan
    Hi Paul, Lindsay hit everything I was going to say right on the head. The Squadron Signal series has some great books on WWII vehicles/weapons ... they might have something on U-boats. I was also going to point you in the direction of Carl (...) (24 years ago, 24-Jan-01, to, lugnet.general)

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