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    Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Tim McSweeney
   (...) Grrr, Hate to show my ignorance nut what is a microfig? have I missed something or are these just hypothetical? Cheers Tim (26 years ago, 13-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Tom McDonald
     (...) Microfig is a scale, not an actual figure, that is anything smaller than minifig scale. -Tom McD. (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Jeremy H. Sproat
     (...) If a minifig is about yea tall, a microfig is about one-something-ith of that height. Basically, anything significantly smaller than a minifig. I generally don't count creatures made from just minifig legs to be microfig-scale; but rather (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
         Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Jeremy H. Sproat
      (...) Here's a microfig-scale Thunderbolt from Babylon 5. Looks too much like a Star Wars X-Wing for me to be overjoyed with it, but I really like the design. 0 0 Inlined: 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 mtb_body.DAT 0 1 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.cad.dat)
         Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Terry Keller
      (...) That looks GREAT Sproat. But just give up, flip the wings over, change the red cones to gray 1x1 round plates, add a little to the rear of the body, and call it an X-Wing. Dead-on. -- Terry K -- (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.cad)
         B5 Thunderbolt model (was Re: New Space Ship..) —Joseph Gonzalez
     (...) ingenious, sproat. how on earth do you come up with the idea to change angles with those small plate-and-clip pieces? great stuff! ..jg (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Terry Keller
   (...) Check out these, you should get the idea. These are classics of the art: (URL) Terry K -- (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Jeremy H. Sproat
   (...) Cheers, - Sproat (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Terry Keller
   (...) Isn't it, though? Those are like brilliance in small doses. -- Terry K -- (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Paul Foster
   (...) Where can I get some of the 1x1x1 bricks with four side studs to build these? (26 years ago, 14-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Terry Keller
   (...) Someone mentioned that they were available in a Roboforce set, but I am not sure which one. -- Terry K -- (26 years ago, 15-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Jim Baker
   Also sprach Terry K: : Someone mentioned that they were available in a Roboforce set, but I am not : sure which one. I don't think so ... I am complete in these, and I don't remember one ... although the 2154 Robomaster has a ton of 1x1 w/ one side (...) (26 years ago, 17-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —Terry Keller
   (...) Hmmm.... Well, I know I have two of the things. And I know at least one of them was from a set purchased within the last year. I will try to figure out which one. (set, that is) -- Terry K -- (26 years ago, 17-Jan-99, to
        Re: New Space Ship added to site, check it out! —James Brown
   (...) You are speaking of the 1x1 brick w/ 4 side studs, yes? They come as part of a decorative assembly in several of the ninja sets - 1 of those, 2 'trash can lids', and a 2x2x2 cone brick, all in dark grey, that make a decorative thingie. (26 years ago, 17-Jan-99, to

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