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Re: St. Marks Cathedral
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:00:41 GMT
916 times
In, Brad Hamilton writes:

The horses are tricky.  I tried to add them but couldn't get something that
works.  If you used the normal minifig horses (which I can't find in MLCAD -
Does anyone know if these exist?) then the scale would be enlarged enough to
require bigger arches - which don't exist.  You would have to model the
arches with normal slopes which would degrade their appearance.

Arr.  I always just assumed that I'd do them with normal minifig horses... but
you're right, they would be out of scale.  Oh, well.

The other option is to build the horses out of normal bricks.  To fit in
with the existing scale, they would have to be relatively thin and not very
high.  I saw someone that created really small animals like this, but I
can't remember where.  Does anyone remember?

Not I.  To be honest, though, to get horses that are at the scale and level of
detail that the rest of your San Marco is would be really rough.

I'm looking into adding more color now.  In the pictures I have, the
sunlight fades out some of the colors.  Also, it is very difficult to add
color into the curves without screwing up the white border (which i think is
necessary ).  Does anyone have suggestions?

Hmmm.  The only picture I have online of the basilica itself is the one I
posted earlier.  I have a picture from inside the cortile of the palazza ducale
that shows the domes...

but that's it.  I'm sure that somewhere I probably have a guidebook to the
basilica, but since I don't own a scanner that does no one any good, I'm

Maybe someone in the groups would be able to help out?

But what another poster said is absolutely true- even in flat white, the model
is absolutely stunning.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: St. Marks Cathedral
(...) Don't I remember seeing a pony in some sets - maybe from paradisa? That might work for a smaller-scale horse... J (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to,,
  Re: St. Marks Cathedral
Lorbaat <> wrote in message (...) level of (...) I did make some really small horses, but they were indistinguishable from dogs or any other 4-legged animal. I don't think they would look good (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: St. Marks Cathedral
Lorbaat <> wrote in message (...) Thanks! (...) trying to (...) get. (...) The horses are tricky. I tried to add them but couldn't get something that works. If you used the normal minifig horses (...) (24 years ago, 31-Oct-00, to,,

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