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Re: Pepsi Machine
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 19:08:31 GMT
1262 times
In, Jeff Elliott writes:

Wow!! Impressive. *Definitely* gets the point across - on par with Bram's
copier, which is one of the best minifig-scale appliances I've seen. Great job!


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Pepsi Machine
(...) Interestingly enough, I attempted to make a Coke machine about a month ago, and while it was roughly the same dimensions, it didn't look half as good (sorry, don't have a picture on me). I think I'll try sticking your pepsi machine in my (...) (25 years ago, 9-Aug-00, to
  Re: Pepsi Machine
(...) Thanks Shiri! Inspired by the adulation of my peers, I went on to make a vending (candy) machine proper: (URL) Elliott (25 years ago, 10-Aug-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pepsi Machine
(...) Hi! Hey - that's a pretty cool model. I'm intending to collect furniture-style plans for populating minifig-scale structures, and I'd love to include a vending machine or three. I created my own dat of a slightly smaller-scale machine; it (...) (25 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to

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