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Re: Peasant House...Marc
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 15:52:29 GMT
38 times
In lugnet.castle, Kyle Peterson writes:
Wow, Eric does some excellent work too!

Hey thanks, I still find it strange when my name shows up in a thread I havn't
even participated in...  Better be careful or my head will swell, which
wouldn't be good because I already have a 24 inch cranium so there isn't much
room for expansion ;-).

But really thanks.  I havn't done much on the Castle side for a few months now.
Actually I havn't had nearly the building time I used to and that time is now
spent on Trains and a Modern town.  Most of the Castle stuff is still intact
though and I intend on returning to it one day.

Note on the two tudor buildings on the top of his main picture....those are
how I have my roofs. You can get more of a slant that way.

Just so we get credit to where it is ultimately due.  I stole that idea from
Dave Eaton.

I mainly made up the extra peasant houses for a NELUG display we did.

Note: I know what you  mean about the red lattice windows looking a bit
prissy. However, they look killer when you place a light inside the house when
displaying. It really hurls you into that "mysterious night, eerie glow from
the village" feel. If that makes any sense?

Hey I like the arch windows I think they are great.  If LEGO Direct ever
offered those in bulk I would definitely be working on a huge castle.  Other
things LD needs to offer would be Dark Gray Bricks (Great for walls and
Castles) and Arches in many colors and sizes.

Hey Kyle - Have you seen Eric Kingsley's castle site? He has some really nice
stuff. His houses were what inspired me to build mine. Here's a link:

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Peasant House...Marc
Okay Eric, I have some comments on the following link. (...) such a wall. The thing that struck me the most is your seige weapons. Specifically the Trojan Rabbit (Arthurian Rabbit?...Monty Rabbit?...) I was concerned because your castle defenses did (...) (25 years ago, 22-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Peasant House...Marc
Wow, Eric does some excellent work too! Note on the two tudor buildings on the top of his main picture....those are how I have my roofs. You can get more of a slant that way. Most of the houses I have designed have 3 levels, but that is most likely (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle,

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