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Re: Proof-of-Principle For Evil Being's Lair
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:55:30 GMT
1253 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:
In, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:
So you can take this
general design and apply it however you like; Znap surely is cheap
enough to do it (or to use the semi-Gothic elements to augment your

Wow. It just occured to me, for a split second, that I could make a very very
cool creation with some gothic elements. I was thinking of this pic of a
gothic church I saw once in an architecture lecture... I wish I had a pic.
It's hard to explain, but it looks like you have two cylinders lying on their
rounded sides, crossing each other at 90 degrees, with the cross-sections
taken out; then you cut thru the horizontal center, and put the whole thing on
cloumns... and you get a four-way arched hallway intersecting at one spot.

I'll bet that doesn't make any sense; but it doesn't matter, because TLC
doesn't make any intersection arches. :-( Too bad, it would've been SO cool.
(OK, 'nuff digression)

It sounds like you're talking about either (C), the Ribbed Vault, or (B), the
Groin or Cross Vault. :)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Proof-of-Principle For Evil Being's Lair
(...) Thanks! Yep, I was referring to the cross vault. Now I have to go check out the rest of that page! Thanks for the link! -Shiri (XFUT .build.arch) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to, lugnet.castle,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Proof-of-Principle For Evil Being's Lair
(...) Just one? :-) I was LOL the whole time! (...) I'm sad I don't have that TIE bubble piece.... (...) LOL... Doesn't that sound familiar! (...) Wow. It just occured to me, for a split second, that I could make a very very cool creation (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to, lugnet.castle)

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