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Re: Pythagorean Triads and Almost-Triads
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 01:32:29 GMT
1271 times
Bram Lambrecht wrote in message <>...

I believe Eric Brok has something like this on his site.

Ah, cool. I hadn't seen it before.... actually I can't see it now. What is
the URL? :-)
Wow, I'm almost embarassed to ask, I've been to Eric's site so many times,
just not recently.

Part of the difficulty of creating these triangles is how you make the
angles...for example, with Technic beams, you have to measure from the
center of one end hole to the center of the other.  If you're using 1x2
plate hinges, the lengths of the sides are increased, etc.

Sure, but the side lengths are all just integer units, so when one uses
Technic beams one treats side lengths as the number of holes along the
Technic beams.

Did you add an algorith to remove multiples? (I saw that 6,8,10 10,24,26
and others are missing.)

I sure did. Any triangle whose two shortest sides had a common factor (e.g.
common factor of 6 & 8 is 2) was eliminated. After all, we can just obtain
those from the other, "fundamental" ones.

I'd be interested to know whether 0.05 studs is an acceptable slack
to take up when using Technic beams and pegs, I haven't tried this.

I'm pretty sure it would be.  After all, LEGO parts are slightly
flexible, so you could probably have a greater error margin.

Yeah, but I was thinking more along the lines of when you start stacking
more and more bricks on top of the triangle in your model, and they're all
applying a force towards right-angled, and then later on you find your
hinges/pins are buckled :-)  then again, I doubt that being out by 0.05
studs would cause this.

How difficult do you think it would be to edit your program give one (or
more) sides in integral plate heights instead of stud widths?  That might
give some useful results, too.

Well, given that 3 plates == 1 brick, and 5 plates == two studs, I thought
that people could just interconvert in their head :-)
Silly me! ;-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pythagorean Triads and Almost-Triads
(...) Whenever you know someone's name, but not their URL, check (URL) know Eric is there. (...) Not necessarily--especially if you use different hinges on either end. (...) Not all integer stacks of plates are integer stud widths tall. It's the (...) (25 years ago, 10-Jan-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pythagorean Triads and Almost-Triads
(...) I believe Eric Brok has something like this on his site. (...) Part of the difficulty of creating these triangles is how you make the angles...for example, with Technic beams, you have to measure from the center of one end hole to the center (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jan-00, to

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