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Yellow School Bus...
Sat, 2 Oct 1999 04:45:29 GMT
553 times
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to build a yellow school bus for my dad (who's Transportation
Director for a public school system) and need some building pointers.  There's
a great school bus on page 108 of the new Ultimate Lego Book that I'd love to
try to build, but there appear to be a few problems.  One is that the windows
they use are 1x4x4 yellow train windows (lego part # 6154).  Can I even find
yellow train windows or were they just made for the Lego builders?  The other
hard part they apparently use are the yellow ridged 1x2 bricks (lego part #
2877).  I've seen those in a few colors, but never this another
case of the brick being made for the Lego builders?

Of course, all that is about the bus shown in the book.  If anyone has any
ideas on how to build a school bus, please let me know.  Do you know if Lego
has ever made a school bus set, becuase I've never seen one.  I've never seen
a school house either.


Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Yellow School Bus...
On Sat, Oct 02, 1999 at 04:45:29AM +0000, Steven Broughton asked about a yellow school bus: Here is a nifty minifig scale one: (URL) marked as by "Bill T.", I'm not sure exactly who he is (yet), but I'm relatively new here. Ciao! (25 years ago, 2-Oct-99, to
  Re: Yellow School Bus...
(...) (25 years ago, 2-Oct-99, to
  Re: Yellow School Bus...
Suz Rich has a draft for one which looks very promising: (URL) (25 years ago, 2-Oct-99, to
  Re: Yellow School Bus...
Hi Steven, I had built a schoolhouse several months ago. You can see the pictures at: (URL) now know what it's missing: a school bus! Joe (...) (25 years ago, 2-Oct-99, to

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