| | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
Mike Stanley wrote in message ... (...) Wow, thanks Mike. I do like the Cathedral, but have you looked at Ed's or Gary Istak's lately? Those two really know how to build. But I am glad you liked it. BTW, George Sikora said the counter didn't seem to (...) (26 years ago, 17-Oct-98, to lugnet.build, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
Matthew Verdier wrote in message ... (...) out? (...) since (...) I noticed that too. But the total coolness of the site certainly makes up for it. Definitely worth the CSoTW award you received. I want that castle. Jesse ___...___ Jesse The Jolly (...) (26 years ago, 18-Oct-98, to lugnet.build)
 | | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
(...) Hey Matt, your cathedral is extremely impressive as is Gary Istak's. Just 3 different architectural styles!! (...) Matt, your GeoCities counter is not working. Make sure that in the code for your counter, you add the name of the HTML file (...) (26 years ago, 18-Oct-98, to lugnet.build, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
Ed \ Boxer" Jones > wrote in message <3629F420.C8C2C0B7@aol.com>... (...) 3 (...) anyone (...) out? (...) but (...) problems. (...) since (...) for (...) charm. OK, I have put named counters on each main model page. I don't know what was wrong, I (...) (26 years ago, 18-Oct-98, to lugnet.build, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
(...) I have not seen Gary Istak's cathedral. Does anyone have a URL? -michael (26 years ago, 31-Oct-98, to lugnet.build, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
(...) Look on Larry P's web site, near the bottom for the link, link to Larry's site on mine below. (26 years ago, 31-Oct-98, to lugnet.build, lugnet.general)
 | | Re: Announcing my newly completed website
(...) -michael (26 years ago, 31-Oct-98, to lugnet.build, lugnet.general)