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One little MOC
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 18:02:46 GMT
61 times
I built a little building, and while I haven't yet had a chance to take
pictures of it, I did make an LDraw DAT file of it, and convert it into a POV
ray file through L3P- so I took some screenshots and started the Lego section
of my homepage.

The section isn't quite as polished as it might be, but I don't know when I
might have the time to polish it up... so in the meantime, drop by

and have a look.  Feedback is welcomed (why else would I bother going through
the narcissitic ritual of making a webpage for it?).


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: One little MOC
(...) Very groovy! I like the idea of using windshields as display cases. I really wanna see how you did the desk out of saddle bags, though. What does Panetteria mean? ' Sounds like something important. Greg "..and I'd also like to say that my (...) (26 years ago, 14-Aug-99, to
  Re: One little MOC
Very nice. I especially like the way you used the 1x2 plates w/ ladders as bread racks...and I'm sure that I'll be shamelessly copying it someday :-) Will (26 years ago, 15-Aug-99, to
  Re: One little MOC
Hi Eric, Very well done! You gave a nice historic look to it. I'm really glad you posted it too, because it let me see that the shutters don't have any depth to them. I might look into fixing that in the future. Thanks, Adam (...) I (...) through (...) (26 years ago, 15-Aug-99, to

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