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Re: Twisted Plastic
Mon, 9 Aug 1999 22:14:15 GMT
960 times
No, but I would think supercar wheels would work well for the one thats just a
platform and wheels (don't know the name, only played it once).  And you can use
the larger rims off of a Mag Wheel Master with the supercar tires, it works real

Greg Majewski wrote:

I was just wondering if anyone has made Twisted Metal vehicles from Lego? My
friend and I are going to have a Twisted Plastic competition of our own (1),
and I just want to see if anyone has done any of the cars.
Greg "..To make the merry-go-round go faster, everyone needs to hang on tight,
just to keep from being thrown to the wolves." Majewski
1- What he doesn't know, though, is that I am using Technic power to actually
destroy his little puny cars. Muhahahaha!!!

| Tom Stangl, Technical Support          Netscape Communications Corp
|      Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Twisted Plastic
His name is Axle, BTW! Scott Sanburn (...) (26 years ago, 9-Aug-99, to

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  Twisted Plastic
Hello, I was just wondering if anyone has made Twisted Metal vehicles from Lego? My friend and I are going to have a Twisted Plastic competition of our own (1), and I just want to see if anyone has done any of the cars. Greg "..To make the (...) (26 years ago, 9-Aug-99, to

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