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    Happy Birthday Disneyland! —Bill Vollbrecht
   Disneyland just celebrated it's 50th Birthday! In honor of the grand-dad of all theme parks I put this together: (URL) Here's to 50 more! Thanks, Bill Vollbrecht P.S. This is also notable because I was FINALLY able to figure out how to post a (...) (20 years ago, 5-May-05, to, FTX) !! 
        Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland! —Dave Johann
     (...) Amazing, Bill! You've captured the Mouse in perfect form. I'll be passing this post on to my wife to share at work (Disney). -Dave (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to, FTX)
        Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland! —C. L. GunningCook
     (...) Wow!!!! Man o man, that is one fine sculpture. From the cake to Mickey's face and out stretched hands, you totally nailed it, WELL DONE!!!! I love this MOC and see absolutely nothing that needs improving. Janey "Red Brick" (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to, FTX)
        Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland! —Mark Papenfuss
     (...) Nice work! Mark P (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to, FTX)
        Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland! —Johannes Koehler
     Hello! That's cool. Congrats to this well done sculpture! When I saw this pic on BrickShelf I wondered: Hm, Mickey is older than 50. So now I'm informed. Bye Jojo (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to
        Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland! —Jason Maxwell
   (...) Great job! I just wanted to point out that, regardless of what the current Disney Company wants you to believe, Disneyland's birthday isn't until July 17th of this year. Opening day for the park was July 17th, 1955. Jason (20 years ago, 6-May-05, to, FTX)
        Re: Happy Birthday Disneyland! —Bill Vollbrecht
   (...) Man.... I guess I either have to repost this on July 17th or build something new between now and then! Disney must have picked May 4th as the start of their summer season more than the actual date of the aniversary. Summer long celebration (...) (20 years ago, 7-May-05, to, FTX)

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