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Re: The Sultan is Back
Newsgroups:, lugnet.aquazone
Thu, 4 Mar 2004 23:55:14 GMT
14713 times
In, Leonard Hoffman wrote:
   -snip- really cool stuff!!

   Check Yourself
A self-portrait of sorts. The model is supposed to represent a long hard look at one’s self. I think I missed the mark on this one-- looks more like someone drinking from a water fountain. Perhaps I’ll rename it “What’s this mirror doing at the drinking fountain?”

Felix, I see this as you intend it, and think it is very powerful. This is something, along with the ‘Guy going through’ sculpture for Houston that i feel transcends to the level of true Art - that is, using LEGO as a medium for self-expression, and connection with humanity. I’d love to see an entire series of these, and to see them at an art show proper.

I’m with Lenny on this one, It’s art, and moreover, it’s better art (coming from someone that understands the medium) than some of the stuff from “real” artists, at least some of who, in my view, are using the medium purely for stunt value.

Welcome back, Felix... we look forward to hearing/seeing more about your work!

Message has 1 Reply:
  what I'm going for (was Re: The Sultan is Back)
(...) Thanks Lenny and Larry. I don't think a higher compliment can be paid than to have someone "get" what you're trying to do and appreciate it. I got an email and some AIM questions so I thought I'd post some more info about the sculptures. First (...) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-04, to, FTX)  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Sultan is Back
-snip- really cool stuff!! (...) Felix, I see this as you intend it, and think it is very powerful. This is something, along with the 'Guy going through' sculpture for Houston that i feel transcends to the level of true Art - that is, using LEGO as (...) (21 years ago, 4-Mar-04, to, lugnet.aquazone, FTX)

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