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Re: new MOC (look inside, it's a surprise)
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 21:52:43 GMT
629 times
I just added some detail pics of the cockpit into the directory... they're
the "MGRcXX" ones, obviously. I probably could've done a lot more with the
interior, but space and parts were rather limited.


"K Armstrong" <> wrote in message

That is pretty sick. Would love to see the cockpit area (if there is one).
I'm trying to decide if I like the underside of the plates for the top of
that beast. I don't hate it, but I guess I'm spoiled by all the studless
tiled Mecha we've been seeing lately.

You know what? I've decided. I like it.

Keep building!


(ok, this is probably the best MOC I've ever created. LMKWYT, and please
lemme know if there are any parts of it you want to see in detail, I'll • be
happy to take more pics.)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: new MOC (look inside, it's a surprise)
Awwww Yeah, Metal Rex! Fun, nice, cool, I like it. e Legomaster ===...=== Amazing but true. If you asked me how much Lego I have - I couldn't tell you. Read Lugnet - Build MOC's (23 years ago, 12-Jul-02, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new MOC (look inside, it's a surprise)
That is pretty sick. Would love to see the cockpit area (if there is one). I'm trying to decide if I like the underside of the plates for the top of that beast. I don't hate it, but I guess I'm spoiled by all the studless tiled Mecha we've been (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jul-02, to,

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