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Re: 1592 Belville variation
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 06:53:19 GMT
125 times
Arielle Détraz wrote:

[ ]

I'm Arielle and this is my first post!

Welcome onboard.

I'm 11 and I've created another variation of the 1592.

It looks great. I am not much into Belville myself (although the transparent
spires are good as space ship cockpits ;-), but I really enjoyed your creation.

The statue is kind of fuzzy on the picture but I've
created the hair with log pieces.

It's a great way to put hair on a figure in that scale.

Play well,

Jacob's LEGO trains:

Message is in Reply To:
  1592 Belville variation
Hi, I'm Arielle and this is my first post! I'm 11 and I've created another variation of the 1592. I asked my dad if I could make one with Belville, and he told me "Go ahead, but I won't help you!" So I took a deep breath and started. My little (...) (23 years ago, 7-Jul-02, to lugnet.announce.moc) ! 

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