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 Building / *44174 (-20)
  Pedestal for the Statue of Liberty (set # 3450)
Hey Folks I was working on a project back in 2011. I presented it at our Crystal Palace Show in 2012 I was inspired with some pictures on the net. I tried to be as thorough as possible, respecting the dimensions, and of course the details of the (...) (12 years ago, 14-Feb-13, to, FTX)  
  Yoda's Legacy
Several decades after the destruction of the second Death Star and the annihilation of the Imperial regime, Luke has finally found the location of an old Jedi temple which has been rebuilt to further the learnings on the ways of the force and the (...) (12 years ago, 22-Jan-13, to lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 
  Re: Betty Boop MOC
(...) Nice! Instantly recognizeable. Of course, I know who Betty Boop is/was, but I expect much of the world doesn't anymore. :-( -Chris Gray (12 years ago, 21-Jan-13, to
  Re: Betty Boop MOC
(...) Enjoyed! And looking forward to hopefully seeing it live in 2 week! Dave K (12 years ago, 21-Jan-13, to, FTX)
  Viking Whaling Outpost
An active Viking whaling outpost processing the recent catch has attracted some unwarranted attention from an airborne predator. (2 URLs) AC (12 years ago, 17-Dec-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, FTX) ! 
  Elf Guards Of Mirkwood
In the midst of the Mirkwood forest runs an enchanted stream closely guarded by elves that protect and repel any unwarranted visitors. These elven guards patrol not only the forest floor, but also the canopy with their uncanny ability to leap from (...) (12 years ago, 9-Dec-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  UCS TIE Vviper
Another entry for the (URL) Novvember Vic Viper> builds! (URL) Clisk the pic for more details... AC (12 years ago, 21-Nov-12, to lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 
  Grievous Arrival On Utapau
Utapau remained neutral, but allegiance was forced upon the current Master of Port Administration, Tion Medon, when General Grievous and the Separatist Council took the world as their own, at the command of Darth Sidious. (URL) AC (12 years ago, 27-Oct-12, to lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Spanish Colonization of Latin America
(URL) AC (12 years ago, 11-Oct-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, FTX) ! website ready for order with new stock
Hi All, The website is ready for orders!!! It took way longer than planned to get the site all up and running. And we have been so burried in "side" orders that we keep running out! But we just received a large shipment so there (...) (12 years ago, 9-Sep-12, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.trains, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.announce,,,
  UNSC Wildebeest
I present the apocryphal bUNSC Wildebeest/b, a heavy-duty assault mech, not too pretty but tough in the clinches. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 11 points of articulation including the windscreen. You might also (...) (12 years ago, 5-Sep-12, to, FTX)
  Re: Building the Bag End Hobbit set
Just forgot: pictures can be seen at (URL) (12 years ago, 5-Sep-12, to, FTX)
  Building the Bag End Hobbit set
The House of Hobbit Bilbo Since the pictures hit the internet I've been working on building this model for myself. I'm still looking for parts that match the colours of the preliminary LEGO set, and as you can see, I've come up with a red/tan (...) (12 years ago, 5-Sep-12, to, FTX)
  French Spanish Skirmish
The exploration and conquest of the New World often brought conflict between the various European countries and their armies that often started with skirmishes and ended with full scale battles. (URL) AC (12 years ago, 1-Sep-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, FTX)  
  UNSC Bullfrog
I present the all-apocryphal UNSC Bullfrog, a well-armored forward assault mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 9 points of articulation plus the windscreen & buzzsaw, I can tell you that much. (12 URLs) Thanks (...) (12 years ago, 28-Aug-12, to,, FTX) ! 
  Show MOCs
(URL) Click the pic for more... AC (13 years ago, 16-Aug-12, to lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, FTX)
  The LEGO® Story (80 years) Video
LEGOClubTV YouTube channel: The LEGO Group celebrates its 80th Birthday on August 10, 2012, take a look back at its history with this short animated film. Video: 17:09 LEGOClubTV channel Video: The LEGO® Story (URL) Enjoy! (13 years ago, 10-Aug-12, to lugnet.general,,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.animation, lugnet.people, FTX)  
  UNSC Gazelle
I present the apocryphal UNSC Gazelle, a light-duty anti-infantry mech. Technical specifications to follow as soon as I make them up. About 13 points of articulation plus the windscreen, I can tell you that much. (10 URLs) (13 years ago, 8-Aug-12, to,, FTX)
  Roswell Incident Circa 2012
(URL) AC (13 years ago, 2-Aug-12, to,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Incredible LEGO Olympic Stadium drawing crowds in London (VIDEO)
Incredible LEGO Olympic Stadium drawing crowds in London From July 28, 2012 LONDON — The crowd gathered around the glass box, snapping photos while pointing and smiling. It was the LEGO block section of John Lewis Stratford, the (...) (13 years ago, 30-Jul-12, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,,, FTX)  

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