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 Building / *3670 (-5)
  Re: New Mecha from Orbital Alloys, Inc and Behren Mechawerks
I liked the forms of the legs in LGAW "SIREN" that look like some well trained sports players. It sure can have a good response and manouverbility :-) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.general,,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) Great. I see it; (URL) you're interested in trading, send me an email, otherwise thanks for the info. -Jon (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Can You Top LEGO Customer Service?
(...) I just found some white 6x6 bow pieces in a lot I got off included instructions from a police boat and plane set labelled in bad penmanship Jet Speed Justice...I previously only had these parts in red from the speed boat Dark Shark (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: My EMD SD40-2
I think that SNOT is a malformed acronym then... We have been using derogatory acronyms to exemplify parts that we dislike because they aren't true to the spirit of Lego. Now, I would say a part like the 1x1 with side stud, or a part like the (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: New Mecha from Orbital Alloys, Inc and Behren Mechawerks
Two more excellent mechs! There seems to be a lot of great new mecha being built right now. I especially like the Siren, reminds me a lot of the Talgeese from Gundam Wing. Great design, and big too! My favorite design element on the Cestus is the (...) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.general,,

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