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 Books / 233
  Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
This looks like a great idea. But I have a few questions regarding this. Do you plan to make a profit from this? It seems like this will take a lot of money and time to complete. Is it neccesary to do a live interview? I mean, some of us might be in (...) (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to lugnet.books)
  Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
(...) I hope to at least make back what I put into it, sure. (...) No, but it's a lot better than over the telephone or e-mail. I have 4 hours of audio tapes (I don't have a phonographic memory) from meeting with Sun Yun last week. We mostly just (...) (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to lugnet.books)

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