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  Re: NXT sound sensor characteristics
(...) due to who's catalog arrived at my house first. They look almost identical in functionality except the LabQuest has a stylus and more memory, while the XplorerGLX has I2C sensors (or seomthing like them; it seems they transmit digital (...) (16 years ago, 1-Mar-09, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: NXT sound sensor characteristics
(...) I would be interested, but I have no audio equipment (apart from a function generator) Very interesting data BTW! Philo (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: NXT sound sensor characteristics
(...) Excellent suggestion!!! We'll open one sensor and try once again. (...) (URL) else interested in repeating the experiment? Philo? Claude P.S. I added a graph to the page, where the sound pressure is maintained constant. (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: NXT sound sensor characteristics
(...) Since I was doing this all manually, it was by far the easiest. I realized that a better way would be to vary the signal generator level at each frequency, but often when trying that I simple "maxed out" the reported level from the sound (...) (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: NXT sound sensor characteristics
Thanks Brian (...) Your excellent graph shows that you tried to maintain the sound pressure constant. We did the inverse in the last graphs, where we tried to draw the curve for a constant NXT sensor value. We also repeated the experiment, and this (...) (16 years ago, 28-Feb-09, to lugnet.robotics,

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