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 Boats / 389 (-5)
  Re: LEGO Carnival Fantasy Cruise Ship?
Appearently this model is on board the ship. My wife went on a cruise last summer and she took some pics of it for me... I'll see if I can find them. "Tim Tosino" <> wrote in message (...) (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to
  Re: LEGO Fantasy Cruise Ship?
(...) Given the use of the LEGO logo, I assume that it is a model built by LEGO for some show? Does anybody know? Play well, Jacob (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to
  LEGO Fantasy Cruise Ship?
(URL) these photos and couldn't find any discussion or news about it here. (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to,  
  LEGO Fantasy Cruise Ship?
(URL) these photos and couldn't find any discussion or news about it here. (22 years ago, 11-Feb-03, to,
  Re: MOC: WWII Japanese Heavy Cruiser "Takao"
(...) Apologies for the delayed feedback - I don't have time to peruse Lugnet as much as I would like. Anyway... congrats on the nice MOC. The superstructure seems a little more boxy than it should, but I love the flared effect on the bow. I was a (...) (22 years ago, 10-Feb-03, to lugnet.pirates,,

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