| | Nice harbour and airport (Was: my website)
Lars-Olof: (...) have managed to make them look very real with all the activity. I've got to build myself a nice harbour soon. Jacob (24 years ago, 27-Apr-01, to lugnet.boats, lugnet.town)
| | Re: Newfoundbrick Ferry Services: S.S. Grey Line
Rick: Nice model. It's good to see that you take good care of passenger safety. Play well, Jacob -- (URL) (24 years ago, 21-Mar-01, to lugnet.boats)
| | Re: Newfoundbrick Ferry Services: S.S. Grey Line
(...) That's really impressive, the best boat I've ever seen! Very well done! Good use for the 'bug leg' element. (24 years ago, 21-Mar-01, to lugnet.town, lugnet.boats)
| | Newfoundbrick Ferry Services: S.S. Grey Line
Hi, Below is a URL to a Ferry I built some time ago, it will be part of a city named Newfoundbrick. Let me know what you think. www.geocities.com/rickzee2001/ Thanks Rick (24 years ago, 21-Mar-01, to lugnet.boats) !
| | U-boat creation (Re: My first Sculptures, Super Giant Hello Kitty)
(...) My German U-boat sub can be seen, (URL) U-boat was made in last summer for the first Japanese Mecha related LEGO creation meeting in Tokyo. About 3000bricks were used to build this boat. I like this U-boat but she doesn't have torpedo tube:), (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to lugnet.build, lugnet.boats, lugnet.loc.jp)