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 Boats / 224 (-10)
  Nice harbour and airport (Was: my website)
Lars-Olof: (...) have managed to make them look very real with all the activity. I've got to build myself a nice harbour soon. Jacob (24 years ago, 27-Apr-01, to,
  Re: Newfoundbrick Ferry Services: S.S. Grey Line
Rick: Nice model. It's good to see that you take good care of passenger safety. Play well, Jacob -- (URL) (24 years ago, 21-Mar-01, to
  Re: Newfoundbrick Ferry Services: S.S. Grey Line
(...) That's really impressive, the best boat I've ever seen! Very well done! Good use for the 'bug leg' element. (24 years ago, 21-Mar-01, to,
  Newfoundbrick Ferry Services: S.S. Grey Line
Hi, Below is a URL to a Ferry I built some time ago, it will be part of a city named Newfoundbrick. Let me know what you think. Thanks Rick (24 years ago, 21-Mar-01, to ! 
  U-boat creation (Re: My first Sculptures, Super Giant Hello Kitty)
(...) My German U-boat sub can be seen, (URL) U-boat was made in last summer for the first Japanese Mecha related LEGO creation meeting in Tokyo. About 3000bricks were used to build this boat. I like this U-boat but she doesn't have torpedo tube:), (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to,,
  Re: BB63 starts very slowly
(...) Looks good... Josh (24 years ago, 16-Mar-01, to
  Roman Galley
Together with Henrik Christian Grove and Peter Makholm I have built this Roman galley: (URL) started out by laying the keel and worked our way from that. After a while we figured out that we needed a proper support crew for building such a large (...) (24 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to,
  BB63 starts very slowly
A few scans of the 20mm and 40mm AA guns - all are built. The 5" DP turret didn't scan well, so it will wait. I'm not too happy with the 40mm either, but there you are. (URL) (24 years ago, 15-Mar-01, to
  Cargo rebuild of my coming ore boat...
I'm planning a modified version of my ore boat, to make a cargo ship. Josh (24 years ago, 2-Mar-01, to
  Re: Iron Clads
(...) David, I was thinking of making some little Monitors using those hulls. I haven't had time to do any extensive planning yet, but it seems like they should serve pretty well. If any of the little ones turn out well, I'm hoping to do a minifig (...) (24 years ago, 17-Feb-01, to lugnet.western, lugnet.pirates,

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