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 Boats / *614 (-5)
  Re: Sea kayak (yes, one more)
In, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote: (... and messed up the FTX) Here are the pictures in easy view: (3 URLs) Play well, Jacob (5 URLs) (13 years ago, 3-May-12, to, FTX)  
  Sea kayak (yes, one more)
It is actually quite fun to work on these sea kayak designs, so I built one more: (4 URLs) I suppose I'll have to build Bregnerod Kayak Club soon. (Model 5 and 6 are already in progress and I think I have pieces for ten or twenty replicas of the (...) (13 years ago, 3-May-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Re: Sea kayak ("classic" style)
Funny comparison of building styles ;) (13 years ago, 2-May-12, to, FTX)
  Re: Sea kayak (semi-SNOTed)
(...) Well, now that I actually take a proper look at how I ended up getting the two sides connected (late night building), it is actually a pure SNOT design. Play well, Jacob (5 URLs) (13 years ago, 2-May-12, to, FTX)
  Sea kayak (SNOT)
Yet another sea kayak built this past weekend: (2 URLs) This design is pure SNOT (if you don't count the tile ;-). Play well, Jacob (10 URLs) (13 years ago, 2-May-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)

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