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 Boats / *584 (-5)
  The RTS Zavala Steamship-of-War
I am pleased to announce my newest MOC The RTS Zavala Steamship-of-War (URL) This vessel is a side-paddle-wheel sailing steamship. The model is almost 4 1/2 feet long (1.36 meters) and it uses 13 hull center sections. Although called a schooner, the (...) (16 years ago, 16-Dec-08, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.technic, FTX) ! 
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) Speaking of which... I didn't have time to build it, but I was thinking about attaching this: (URL) my boat; modifying the tires to be some type of paddle-wheel type of construction. :) Alas, I had other building I needed to get done for our (...) (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
"Brian Davis" <> wrote in message (...) I was thinking... "More Power!! ungh ungh ugnh" (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) Fair enough... you mean one where you can use modified bricks for water-tight enclosures? I really would love to move into the even riskier option of true submarines... Or do you mean the modified *combat* class, that allows (nay, encourages!) (...) (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) I'll patiently wait for the modified class... *evil grin* -Rob (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,

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