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 Boats / *580 (-5)
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) I'll patiently wait for the modified class... *evil grin* -Rob (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) Thanks - like you said, simple sometimes tends to be a good approach, and while I only had the red hulls there wasn't a lot of mass budget to "overbuild". (...) That I *completely* understand. I just haven't had the luxury of a warm pool to (...) (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to lugnet.robotics,
  Re: LEGO Powered Boat Race
(...) Cool. Although since the festival takes place at Downtown Disney, I think you really should have had a race across the entire lake. Serenity could handle it: (URL) I've got the 2.0 version (using two blue hulls... and mounting a camera that (...) (16 years ago, 14-Nov-08, to, lugnet.robotics)
  LEGO Powered Boat Race
During Festival of the Masters, GFLUG held it's first annual LEGO Powered Boat Race. What is that, you may ask? To give you a little background, the theme that GFLUG members were to build MOCs according to was "Transportation: Past, Present & (...) (16 years ago, 12-Nov-08, to lugnet.announce,, FTX) ! 
  MOC: Microscale Disney Magic
I'm not one for announcing my MOCs, but I've been working on this one for awhile now & thought it deserved to be talked about. Introducing the Disney Magic Cruise boat in micro-scale: (URL) (photo by Joe Meno) (URL) (photo by Todd Thuma) (URL) (...) (16 years ago, 11-Nov-08, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) ! 

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