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 Boats / *545 (-5)
  Port Block Yards PT boats
Hey ho! Finally starting to get my act together again after moving to Queensland - even got web access to my site again. And after Richie's handy post on Myers (1 x boat + 1 x crane - very cool, thanks dude! :-), Port Block Yards has pictures of one (...) (18 years ago, 26-Jun-06, to,,, FTX) ! 
  Re: USCG Cutter
It looks really good - way to go! Big boats are always good. The bow looks a bit blocky - I guess you did it with slopes; you might want to look at how the designers make boat hulls with plates, however, I can't do any better, so I can't really (...) (18 years ago, 21-Jun-06, to,, FTX)
  USCG Cutter
(URL) So here is really my first MOC on a large scale and I really need some feedback. I started with the intention of building a USCGC 270 but then once I got into realized that the scale was more appropriate for a USCGC 210 (URL). I have a lot of (...) (18 years ago, 21-Jun-06, to, FTX)  
  Re: Viking Knarr (or Knorr)
I like this a lot! Especially the colour scheme. It works very well but I would never have thought to chose it. Well done! The shields are also a great way to disguise those annoying gaps. Great work all round! God Bless, Nathan Visit my brickshelf (...) (19 years ago, 21-Apr-06, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle,, FTX)
  Re: Viking Knarr (or Knorr)
(...) Very nice! I'm glad to see this other type of ship represented. -Suz (19 years ago, 20-Apr-06, to lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle,, FTX)

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