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 Boats / *470 (-5)
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Exactly. I suppose this shows that I haven't taken as careful a look at the LEGO Maersk container ship as I have at the real thing. :-) Play well, Jacob (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Well, then no... I just tried it, but I only need two more plate of clearence. Maybe I'll make some mods or I could not use the racks and stack the containers on the deck floor. Hummmm Robin W (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Ted, Thanks, I bet you guys are building one as big as a house:) But, anyways I was tring to do more with less here, I want it to fit on one club table and not over power the display... Robin W (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) I think he's asking if containers fit underneath those, down in the hull of the ship, much like the real deal... -Tim (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Scott, I don't think we will be the only folk building larger versions of this ship. And I would like to see your version, it sounds great. Post some pics man... Robin W (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to, FTX)

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