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 Boats / *435 (-5)
  Re: minifig scale cargo boat
(...) Very nice. There can never be enough ship builders. Please pass along compliments to Captain Mede. Looking forward to more pictures. (21 years ago, 15-Apr-04, to
  minifig scale cargo boat
A FreeLUG member (médérick) shown us his cargo boat model a few weeks ago : (URL) deep link : (URL) This guy is a sailorman (trawler-man in the channel). The boat is about 1,5 meters long. There's some (fun)ctional details such lights, rudder..more (...) (21 years ago, 21-Mar-04, to
  Re: Pictures Of This Set?
"Jeff Barnas" <> wrote in message (...) this set? (...) Will building instructions help? You can find building instructions at (URL) Steinnes (21 years ago, 6-Mar-04, to lugnet.belville,, lugnet.scala, lugnet.general)
  Pictures Of This Set?
Does anyone have any this set and some better or more detailes pics of this set? 5848 (URL) (21 years ago, 5-Mar-04, to lugnet.belville,, lugnet.scala, lugnet.general)
  Re: Pictures from the second Great Western LEGO Train Show at the STEAM Museum, Swindon, UK
(...) Quick self-publicising cross-post, since Huw's taken some nice pictures of my 'Orca': (URL) Railton (21 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to

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